jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023



My dear and beautiful students I wish you a wonderful day. Happy thursday


Write in your notebook
Today is thursday 23rd-2023
Modals – 'can' and 'can't'

We can use can and can't to talk about abilities in the present.

I can swim.
They can speak English.
He can't ride a bike.

How to use them
Use the infinitive without to after can and can't.

I can swim.
You can run fast.
She can ride a bike.
We can't speak Japanese.
They can't play the guitar.

For questions, change the order of can and the person.

Can you swim? Yes, I can.
Can she play the piano? No, she can't.
What languages can you speak?

1. Read the sentence. Circle the correct answer.

a. I can . to swim / swim / swimming
b. She _______ride a bike. can / cans / know
c. Can you _________ tennis? plays / to play / play
d. He ___________ speak Spanish. isn’t / can’ts / can’t
e. _____________run fast? They can / Can they / Are they
f. He can’t ___________ five pizzas! eat / ate / to eat
g. We __________ dinner. can to cook / can cook / can cooking
h. What sports ___________ play? you can / are you / can you

2. Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it. 

a. She can’t driving a car. She can’t drive a car. 
b. I can’t to play chess. 
c. He cans make a cake. 
d. They can’t to sing very well. 
e. Can you eating with chopsticks? 
f. She can’ts ride a horse. 
g. He can speaking three languages. 
h. How many musical instruments you can play?

3. What sports can you play? What languages can you speak? What else can you do? Write about yourself. Read the example