domingo, 1 de agosto de 2021






Write the sentences in past
  • María watches T.V - MARÍA WATCHED T.V
  • I study english ISTUDIED ENGLISH
  • Nicoll and Pedro play in the park - NICOLL AND PEDRO PLAYED IN THE PARK
  • Lucy washes her car - LUCY WASHED HER CAR
  • We work in the store -WE WORKED IN THE STORE
Write the sentences in past 
  • Luis writes a letter - LUIS WROTE A LETTER
  • You sing in the concert - YOU SANG IN THE CONCERT
  • They are doctors - THEY WERE DOCTORS
  • She drink milk every night - SHE DRANK MILK EVERY NIGHT
  • Martha and Mr. Boris eat at 7:00 pm - MARTHA AND MR. BORIS ATE AT 7:00 P.M 
3. Find the mistake 

a. My dog sleeped in the living room - MY DOG SLEPT IN THE LIVING ROOM 
b. My mother cook delicious food - MY MOTHER COOKED DELICIOUS FOOD
c. My dad drived the car very fast - MY DAD DROVE THE CAR VERYU FAST
d. They readed the book every morning - THEY READ THE BOOK EVERY MORNING
e. We like the pop music - WE LIKED THE POP MUSIC.


My dear diary: Today is a hard day. My mother and I visit my grandma in her house. She cook some fish. I remember that I hate fish because last year I get sick and I am in hospital for one day. But this time, it is good. After visiting my grandma, my mom accompany me to dance class. We study a lot of dancing techniques because the teacher ask me to participate in a dance competition, so I accept. My mom celebrate. I imagine dancing in the same scenario with the most important dancers for my country. When I finish practicing, we help the teacher to organize the classroom. At 7:00 pm we return to our home and my brother call me to his room to celebrate. We chat with some friends. I need to practice a lot to win the competition. It is time to rest. 
