martes, 13 de agosto de 2024




A.Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. Discuss your answers with a partner.

1. Present Simple vs. Past Simple
My brother ____ (to play) soccer every weekend.
a) plays
b) played

2.Present Perfect
She ____ (to visit) Paris three times.
a) has visited
b) visited

3. Present Simple vs. Present Perfect
I ____ (to read) this book last year.
a) read
b) have read

4.Should vs. Must
You ____ finish your homework before you go out.
a) should
b) must

5.Present Simple vs. Past Simple
They ____ (to eat) dinner at 7 PM yesterday.
a) eat
b) ate

6.Present Perfect
He ____ (to not see) that movie yet.
a) has not seen
b) did not see

7.Should vs. Must
You ____ wear a helmet when riding a bike for safety.
a) should
b) must

8.Present Simple vs. Present Perfect
I ____ (to live) in this town for five years.
a) live
b) have lived

9.Past Simple
We ____ (to go) to the museum last weekend.
a) go
b) went

10.Present Simple
She ____ (to like) chocolate.
a) likes
b) liked

11.Present Simple
My sister usually ____ (to study) in the evening.
a) studies
b) studied

12.Past Simple
Last summer, we ____ (to visit) our grandparents.
a) visit
b) visited

13.Present Perfect
They ____ (to finish) their project already.
a) have finished
b) finished

14.Present Simple vs. Past Simple
She ____ (to take) the bus to school every day when she was younger.
a) takes
b) took

15.Should vs. Must
You ____ eat more vegetables to stay healthy.
a) should
b) must

16.Present Perfect
I ____ (to hear) that song before.
a) have heard
b) heard

17.Present Simple
The sun ____ (to rise) in the east.
a) rises
b) rose

18.Past Simple
He ____ (to break) his leg while skiing last winter.
a) breaks
b) broke

19.Present Perfect
We ____ (to not finish) our homework yet.
a) have not finished
b) did not finish

20.Should vs. Must
You ____ see a doctor if you're feeling sick.
a) should
b) must

21.Present Simple
Cats ____ (to like) to sleep a lot.
a) like
b) liked

22.Past Simple
They ____ (to have) a great time at the party.
a) have
b) had

23.Present Perfect
She ____ (to live) in three different countries.
a) has lived
b) lived

24.Present Simple vs. Present Perfect
I ____ (to see) that movie last night.
a) see
b) saw

25.Should vs. Must
Students ____ arrive on time for their exams.
a) should
b) must

26.Past Simple
We ____ (to cook) dinner together last night.
a) cook
b) cooked

27.Present Simple
She always ____ (to read) before bed.
a) reads
b) read

28.Present Perfect
They ____ (to know) each other for years.
a) have known
b) knew

29.Present Simple vs. Past Simple
He ____ (to visit) the zoo every summer when he was a kid.
a) visits
b) visited

30.Should vs. Must
You ____ follow the safety instructions at the workshop.
a) should
b) must

B: Each group will choose or be assigned a prompt and create sentences or short dialogues using the appropriate tenses and modals. After creating their sentences, groups will present their work to the class.

Daily Routines - Recent events - Past events - Advice for healthy living.