miércoles, 13 de julio de 2022


Good morning, I'm very happy to see you again 

1. Read and study all vocabulary, you have 15 minutes for this. 

2. Now, we are going to play.

First, With the words that the teacher is going to give you, you are going to listen carefully to what she is going to say and you are going to look for the word that corresponds to the meaning and you are going to raise it above your head.

You have ten seconds to find the corresponding word and win the point.

3. Play "tingo tingo tango" with a special paper ball, you can´t throw or drop the ball. you are going to unwrap the ball until reach the center. The person who get the center have to tell a joke.

4. To finish, we are going to play "Simon say" with the school vocabulary.

See you next class

God bless you