martes, 6 de julio de 2021



Mis queridos estudiantes los saludo con mucha alegría de iniciar de nuevo nuestras clases y aprender con mucho entusiasmo. 


Practiquemos. Clic on the picture

2. Make present simple questions

a. You finish school at 3:30 -  Do you finish school at 3:30?
b. He gets up at 5:00 am - Does He get up at 5:00 am?
c. The students go to school by bus - Do the students go to school by bus?
d. Peter draws beautiful pictures  - Does Peter draw beautiful pictures?
e. We go to the library - Do we go to the library?
f. Lucas and I eat lunch at  school - Do Lucas and I eat lunch at school?

3. Write sentences in the simple present 


+ My sister has two childrens

- My sister does not have two childrens

? Does my sister have two childrens?


+My father works in a bank

- My father doesn´t work in a bank 

? Does my father work in a bank?


+My friends play soccer every weekend

- My friends don´t play soccer every weekend

? Do my friends play soccer every weekend?


+ I like basketball

- I don´t like basketball

? Do I like basketball?


+ My aunt lives in Managua

- My aunt does not live in Managua

? Does my aunt live in Managua?


+ James goes on vacation every year

- James does not go on vacation every year

? Does James go on vacation every year?